Thursday 21 July 2011

A question about those 'Brown spots' on your skin...

I have had some great questions posed to me lately via email,my facebook & Twitter profiles.
This one in particular was so good that I thought I would share with you my response since Hyper-pigmentation is something that I see & treat alot.
Please do feel free to send your skin related questions to me...I will always do my best to answer them all & you never know it might be yours that gets featured next.

Q. What do you recommend for brown spots I was in the sun and thought I had enough sunscreen on but for some reason I'm getting those spots. I hate to use hydroquionine as a lightener I've heard its not good for the liver and I'm also trying to get pregnant! Is there an effective more gentle alternative?

A. I am with you regarding Hydro quinone, it's not a safe way to treat these 'Brown spots' & I'm so excited to let you know that there is a safe, natural, clinically proven alternative which I have been using in my skin clinics.
The Priori CoffeeBerry range of cosmeceutical products, as well as being extremely anti ageing, have a natural quinoic molecule which means that it whitens & brightens the skin!
It's a must for anyone that has pigmentation, post acne scarring or who wants their skin to be right on trend with the radiant, illuminating skin that is so flattering to all ages.
You can learn more about this amazing range by clicking here

Wednesday 6 July 2011

The power of touch...

I have never been so bold as to call myself 'a healer' or to have 'healing powers'.
This should be reserved for spiritual guru's, Mother Theresa, The Dalai Lama right?
I am, however, a huge believer in the power of touch & as for the last 15 years of my life I have been connecting with people whilst delivering their treatments, I feel that I can sometimes pick up on people's energies.
Now before I lose you all as you think I'm starting to sound a bit like a 'Tree hugger', I definitely feel that, in more recent years that yes client's come to me with their skin issues but that through my unique consultation technique, through my holistic approach to my signature facials that, sometimes, they leave with an extra little, well lets say, 'spring in their step'.

It was just last month that one of my loyal client's in London asked me if I would like some feedback...reluctantly I said yes, since feedback good or bad is a positive to me. She then went onto describe to me what else she gains from her facials with me. That yes her skin was 'Brighter, healthy & had more radiance' but that there was something else that I give out during her 90 minutes with me.
Then there's the client that I've been treating for the whole of my career & has, well really become a very dear friend to me. She has had a very tough life & I have been through alot of those tough times with her. She, every week as she leaves, tells me how much stronger, happier & more positive she feels & does often skip off down the road even though sometimes she has struggled to even get to me.
And then the client who simply said as she left one day 'You do know you are a real healer Louise?'...What?? Me??

So I figure that I'm happy with having a natural ability to empathise with people, to make them feel brighter as well as work on their skin's health, to share some positive energy & thank them for sharing with me their feedback of what they receive as a result of me simply doing something that I love...treating people & their skin.

With Christine's permission I share with you here her 'Feedback'...
'I recently had a facial at a renowned salon in the west end, which uses the same product range as Louise (Louise wasn’t available which is why I ended up there). The therapist was perfectly competent, in fact I couldn’t really fault her in terms of her technique, professionalism, the ambiance and environment. However, I felt quite dissatisfied afterwards and the difference between this experience and Louise’s treatments left me wondering about what it is that makes Louise so special.
I came to the conclusion that the magic in a treatment by Louise, is something over and above technique and professionalism (though she scores very highly on both of these). She is also passionate about what she does, and the products she uses, and her passion is really infectious. But, in addition to all of that, she also has a very special quality which can only be described as Love. She actually loves what she does and she brings love into the room. This is what raises it above a great treatment into a wonderful experience, almost spiritual, leaving you feeling at peace, contented, happy, and just so much better. Elizabeth Gilbert in ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ uses the word “Divinity”. To me, it’s this quality that makes her an artist, rather than a technician'.
– Christine.

Read more here: