Tuesday 26 April 2011

How the cosmetic industry is misleading you…

I can often be found scoffing at adverts promising huge, instant transformations to your skin.‘Tutt’ loudly at certain TV commercials for skin care products & am regularly dragged away from the skin care counters in large department stores by my husband who is in fear that I will go & assist a customer who is being given misguided advice about their skin, (poor man).
So this led me to think I need to clear up a few ‘Cosmetic industry’ myths that are just not correct or simply do not exist when it comes to skin. Exert my frustration in making you aware of terminology that is just ‘marketing slang’.

Skin types:

There is no such thing, in my opinion as a skin therapist, as a ‘Combination skin type’!
I get cross when I see this written on products (sometimes even the professional ones will use this) as you are not born with this skin type it does'nt exist.
There are only 3 majority skin types & once I have determined which one you are these ‘Combination skin type’ traits are then what we call skin conditions.
You may have oil secretion, open pores (follicles), areas that are lipid dry but this does not equate to a ‘Combination skin.’
You are born with your skin type, we cannot change this, what we can do, however, is treat the conditions that your skin develops due to hormonal changes, pollution, damage, incorrect product use…

Dehydrated skin:

This is another well used incorrect term. The cosmetic industry uses this as a ‘Lamens’ term to describe what I would call ‘Transepidermal water loss’. (TEWL)
TEWL is where the water content of your skin has/is escaping, evaporating from the Epidermis. It is usually to do with an impaired Lipid barrier something of which I am always educating my client’s about as it plays such an integral part in many skin issues & conditions.
You can recognise TEWL by its classic traits of fine, creapy lines & it gives a ‘tight’ feeling to your skin. This is usually present after people cleanse & if this happens to you then this is a sign that the cleanser you’re using may not be suitable for you.
When the skin is suffering from TEWL its only way to try & counteract it is by the skin producing more hydrating oil. The problem here is that this imbalances the skin & can sometimes lead to an excessive oily shine, blocked follicles & outbreaks.
A lack of water in the skin also means that its ability to shed dead cells slows down as water is required for this process to take place. A dull, dry, flaky appearance may then also appear.

Now this is one that I hear all the time ‘I have really large open pores on my nose’ & shock, horror, guess what ‘pores’ is an incorrect term! Since pores do not secrete the oil onto the skin but pores secrete sweat from our sweat (sudiferous) glands.
This is a term that I was taught when I was training & it’s so widely used that even I have to try & correct myself all the time when referring to these visible open areas on the skin.
The correct term is ‘Follicles’ which is used to describe the exit on the skins surface that a hair protrudes from, but not all ‘Follicles’ have hairs growing out of them, they do, however, have sebaceous glands (oil glands) attached to them.

It goes without saying that I think it’s really important that we all know our correct skin type, especially if you are interested in caring for your skin correctly & therefore want to ensure you are using the right products so that you can treat/prevent skin issues/conditions.
Let me guide you in your skin type to ensure you can achieve skin health & skin radiance.

To book you’re ‘U and your skin’ health assessment call 07810 872 633 email: enquiries@uandyourskin.co.uk visit: www.uandyourskin.co.uk
Norwich . London

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Marching forward to improved skin health...

It’s been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks & so now my feet have touched the Norwich ground again I want to share with you all my exciting news!

I was so humbled last week when I went to The Big C centre at the Norfolk & Norwich University Hospital to volunteer for the ‘Look good feel better’ charity. This wonderful cause gives some confidence boosting respite to women who are battling Cancer.

I, along with on this occasion 4 other volunteers from the beauty industry, assisted a group of 10 women in how to use a ‘goody bag’ packed with skincare & make up products donated by some of the key players in the cosmetic industry (including Bare Minerals that I use & recommend).

I felt so grateful of my skills & that I could use them in this way & was astounded at the transformation not just physically but psychologically of these women.
By the end of the session there was laughter & compliments to each other flying around the room with the feeling of being free for a couple of hours from the difficulties they were facing.

Next it was off to London to work with the lovely Lexis pr. I am an ambassador for Nair hair removal products & was asked to help them promote a new precision eyebrow & facial roller waxing product to the media.
As their ‘expert’ for 2 days I headed to IPC Media & Natmags in central London to shape brows & give my top tips for creating the perfect brow shape.
It was a buzzing couple of days & we were mobbed my beauty journalists from all the top women’s (& men’s) magazines.
I particularly liked the product as for home use its pretty fool proof & being based on ‘sugar wax’ was a gentler option for amateurs to use.
Watch this space for the roll out of press coverage over the coming weeks!

Then it was back to Norwich & my ‘skin lounge’ for a busy day of treating skin on Saturday before getting back on the train on Sunday in preparation for an ‘Advanced skin care Boot camp’, rather aptly, at The Imperial War Museum, on Monday.
The Science dimension to my signature ‘U and your skin’ facial is a really important one to me. It covers not only the fact that I have as advanced knowledge in the Anatomy & physiology of the skin, but that I am constantly researching the latest ingredient technology & innovations.
Jo Lewis, the cosmetic chemist that discovered a lot of the key skincare ingredients that we are familiar with today including AHA’s, has launched 3 of his own brands under his ‘Priori’ umbrella.
As he made MD Formulations, the range that I have used & recommended for 14 years, I was keen to go & find out more about them & how I could integrate this new, emerging skincare science into my treatments.
The day was delivered in a ‘Boot camp’ style with whistles being blown when it was time for a break & ‘Army style’ music playing at intervals to keep us on our skin science toes.
It was a long & full on day but after being able to ask the man himself some question via the beauty of Skype, I have come away motivated & ‘armed’ with more tools to get your skin in the tip top condition it deserves.
I will be telling you more very soon about the coming launch of these truly cutting edge products & as always can’t wait to share the clinical & medical evidence & trials that surround these products.
Until then….Left, right, left, right, left…
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