Tuesday 23 March 2010

When should you start using an anti ageing skincare product?

Q. When should you start using an anti ageing skincare product?
I am 23 and not sure if I should start worrying about it yet.

A. As with most things prevention is better than cure and since, rather depressingly, the ageing process starts at age 18 it’s never too early.
In our early twenties, depending on how many extrinsic factors you have exposed your skin to i.e. sun, smoking, alcohol, you can expect subtle changes to the skin’s appearance.
A change in pore size, moisture content, fine lines around the eyes and mild atrophy (sagging) of muscle tone, could be present.
The first, and still the most important, product you should be using is one that contains a SPF of at least 15. Sun is still the no.1 cause of skin ageing and you should protect against its harmful effects everyday.
Another good addition to your bathroom cabinet should be a product that contains anti oxidants.
Ingredients like Vitamin A, C, E and Green tea are all anti oxidants and work to ‘mop up’ Free radicals which are the ‘thieves of youth’.
Free radicals are harmful molecules that are prevalent as a result of sun exposure, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and exposure to pollution.
A fab product that will give you all of the above protection is MD Formulations Moisture Defense spf20 cream (£35.00 www.uandyourskin.co.uk) this lightweight formula is an amazing defence against premature ageing and is a great place to start.

If you would like a skin health programme tailored to nurture your skin back to health then call me Louise on 07810 872 633 or email: enquiries@ uandyourskin.co.uk

Copyright 2009

Tuesday 9 March 2010

What type are you?

What type are you?
Gently does it, is the approach to, what’s commonly know as a sensitive skin type. We professionals refer to it as permanent diffused redness.
Once again, for the basic low down read on, and if you would like me to be more specific about you and your skin just ask!
Permanent diffused redness…
What does it look like?
This skin classically has permanent patches of blotchy redness. A tendency to ‘flushing’ of colour across the neck and décolleté are common. It may mark and scar easily.
What will it feel like?
Can feel warm or hot to the touch with an itching sensation present.
This skin tends to age quickly and can be congested or blemished.
What can I do?
Avoid extremes of temperature, hot, spicy foods, alcohol and tea/coffee since all of these will increase blood flow to the skin and aggravate the condition. Protect the skin daily with a good environmental shield. I recommend MD Formulations Moisture defense anti oxidant cream spf20 (www.u-treatments.co.uk)

Confused by sensitive skin and a full blown reaction? Why not let me determine your majority skin type. To schedule your bespoke facial treatment; call Louise on 07810 872 633 or email enquiries@u-treatments.co.uk to book your skin health assessment and bespoke facial treatment.

Copyright 2009