Tuesday 18 January 2011

There's so much more to 'You are what you eat'. It's an age old story...

About 11 years ago I must admit, I was a mess!
My Acne prone skin was at it's worst, I was over weight, unfit and relied on a barrage of processed foods to get me through my busy days as an area account manager for MD Formulations skincare.

How could I, as a skin therapist, an expert in my field be preaching about achieving healthy, glowing skin & not be doing everything in my power to portray this myself!
Something had to change. That change led me to becoming even more educated as a facialist and to the development of my signature 'U and your skin' facial.

I changed my lifestyle, adopted a new approach to eating, part of which, for me, deleted wheat & dairy from my diet & I was amazed at the impact it had on my skin's health.
The Acne lesion's started to slow, my skin was healing more efficiently and I got that 'glow' back to my sallow chops.

I now understood that my skin was a mirror, a reflection of my internal health and armed with my products I began to develop and experiment with different combinations of nutrients and skin treatments to heal my skin.

I find it so exciting to see how this concept, that I've been working with for the last 10 years, is becoming a 'Hot topic'.
Nutriceuticals, products that target skin health from within, are big news right now and it's always been part of my work as a skin therapist, one of the 3 dimensional approaches I take to treating the skin.

Three years ago I realised that for me to really take my client's skin to the next level, I needed more knowledge and for this I began a collaboration with the font of all nutritional knowledge, Glen Matten www.glenmatten.com
Glen and I both approach our work with a strong evidence based, scientific background and so it makes complete sense for him to tackle my client's skin health from within and for me to then topically target skin issues.

We want to educate you all and bust a lot of the mis-guided myths that surround this topic and are very pleased to be planning a workshop based around 'Healthy Ageing'.
It will be a 3 hours of cutting edge, evidence based information to feed you with the tools you need to look 'younger for longer'.
This exclusive event will be held in Norwich to start with a view to running it out in London and beyond!

We are going beyond what a 'Skin, hair and nail' supplement can give you and there will be plenty of opportunity to fire your questions at us.
So watch this space! and in the meantime eat your greens, berries, fish, nuts....
To find out more contact Louise enquiries@uandyourskin.co.uk
www.uandyourskin.co.uk Norwich . London

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Eat your way to healthy skin!!

Happy New Year!!!

If your fed up with hearing about weight loss diets then check out my contribution to this Norwich Evening News article on how you can eat your way to healthy skin this year....& make yourself better about the festive fodder you may have indulged in.
Bon Appetite!!

Eat your way to healthy skin...